Thursday, April 23, 2009

Falling off the workout wagon!

First of all let me start out by saying if you are reading this because you have fallen off the workout wagon, WELCOME! This article is not to beat you up or make you feel bad because you have had a little detour from your workouts. Falling off the workout wagon happens to almost everyone even the most elite athletes, it happens for various reasons -stress, boredom, injury, and, work obligations to name a few.

Falling off the workout wagon can make you fell like a failure and make you feel like you are going to be stuck in your unfit body forever! Don’t worry you are not alone! Over 50% of people starting a new workout plan will inevitably fall off the wagon within the first 12 months, but don’t worry I have a few tips to help you get back on the wagon and stay on!

There are various things that you can do to spice up your workout life and help make things a little easier, here are a few.

1. Change it up! Doing the same workout over and over again will start to get monotonous and you will be reluctant to continue with it. So if you enjoy running, but the treadmill is just plain boring then get out of the house and go outside for a run if weather permits, why not try spicing up your running routine by going to the track and running some sprints! Try taking the kids with you they’ll love spending the time with you while you all get fit!

2. Get a workout buddy. A workout buddy can really help keep you accountable, when you have someone depending on you tend to be more reliable, because you don’t want to let that person down, and even if you don’t feel like working out chances are once you get with your buddy and start moving you’ll be glad you did. Also its fun to have someone to have a friendly weight loss competition with.

3. Write it down! That’s right, take out that pencil and paper or in this day and age your laptop, and write down your goals and place them somewhere you will see them frequently. When you write down your goals you are more likely to succeed because you are frequently reminded.

4. Tell everyone what you are doing! That’s right! All of your friends and family! This way you are held accountable by everyone. It’s hard to slip up when every where you turn there’s someone watching you.

5. Get out side. Go for a walk or jog! Or you could even go for a bike ride with your kids!

6. Try a fitness based vacation, go somewhere you can enjoy the scenery and get re-energized and do some great fitness based activities such as hiking or swimming.

7. Hire someone to help you with your goals, a personal trainer may be a great choice for you if you are at your wits end and just really need that extra push to get back into the groove.

And last, but not least! Don't give up and don't beat yourself up! If your body needs a rest listen to it and take one but just make sure it's not an extended break!


  1. Falling off the wagon is my life story however my feeling is that as long as I don't stay off the wagon I am okay. I don't give up. I know that change can be made and even if its small changes a little here and a little there, I am going to keep moving forward.

  2. That's how you have to think! Never give up! Everyday is a new day with a new beginning.
